Fusion Masters Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 16/10/2023

This Privacy Policy describes how WIP Games, the creator of Fusion Masters, collects, uses, and discloses information obtained from users of our mobile game, specifically the collection of usernames and email addresses.

1. Information We Collect:

a. Username: We collect the username provided by users during the registration process. This username will be visible to other users within the game.

b. Email Address: We collect the email address provided by users during the registration process. This information is used for account management, communication, and customer support purposes.

2. Use of Information:

a. Username: Usernames are used for identification within the game and can be seen by other users. Please choose your username carefully, as it will be publicly displayed.

b. Email Address: Email addresses are used for account management, to send important notifications related to the game, respond to user inquiries, and provide customer support.

3. Sharing of Information:

a. Username: Usernames are publicly visible within the game to other users. Users should exercise caution and consider their privacy when choosing a username.

b. Email Address: We do not share users' email addresses with third parties. However, we may use email addresses to communicate important updates, promotions, or announcements related to Fusion Masters.

4. Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or the way we handle your information, please contact us at wipgamestudios@gmail.com.

Thank you for playing Fusion Masters!

WIP Games